Defining the Bourgeoisploitation Film

Good evening fellowettes,

Every year, from October to December, dozens of unadventurous, middlebrow movies are pumped out by the Hollywood Industrial Complex that are so ridiculously white bread and milquetoast (see what I did there?) that they clearly only serve one specific audience: Those with too much money, too much leisure time, and too much pent-up emotion.

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The Amazing Indiewood Movie Plot Generator!

Good evening fellowettes,

On June 8, 2010, after viewing Crazy Heart, I first constructed a working model of how to construct the plot of an Indiewood movie (branded as being “independent” but actually financed by a major studio). After witnessing my parents not enjoying Noah Baumbach’s very typical Greenberg, I’ve decided to revisit and update the Indiewood Plot Generator. Read more of this post