The Amazing Indiewood Movie Plot Generator!

Good evening fellowettes,

On June 8, 2010, after viewing Crazy Heart, I first constructed a working model of how to construct the plot of an Indiewood movie (branded as being “independent” but actually financed by a major studio). After witnessing my parents not enjoying Noah Baumbach’s very typical Greenberg, I’ve decided to revisit and update the Indiewood Plot Generator.


Welcome to the Indiewood Movie Plot Generator. Please choose your plot out of the parenthesis.

Hello, I am your protagonist. I am in financial despair, because my profession is (entertainer/entry level work/something weird that I’m passionate about). I suffer from (alcholism/cocaine addiction/Asperger’s/incorrect psychiatric medication), and am unable to overcome my bad habits. But deep down inside, I’m a good guy who you should sympathize with because I’m sympathetic. (OPTIONAL: I have a grown child who I’m a shitty parent to.)

Hello, I am your love interest. I am attracted to the protagonist, because of his (working class charm/artistic sensitivity/awkward cuteness that only I can see). I have inhibitions about being attracted to him, because of my (superior social status/fatherhood disapproval/child), but I give in anyway. Eventually, I discover my inhibitions were correct and I leave him. (OPTIONAL: I am free-spirited and quirky) (OPTIONAL: I will sing and/or dance to a classic pop song that you forgot about until you saw this movie. Links to a Youtube video with this song will start appearing on your Facebook if this movie is a success.)

Hello, it’s me your protagonist again. I’m really sad because the love interest left me. I start to go back to my old habits, feeling even lower than I did at the beginning of the movie. However, I wake up the next morning realizing that I need to turn my life around, having been given a jolt of energy by the amazing transcendent power of love.

(Ambiguous Ending/Bittersweet Ending where he doesn’t get the girl/Ending you don’t believe in which he gets the girl).


For extra credit, remember to use Helvetica as the font for all your promotional materials, or Swiss 721 if you’re using Windows. Oh, who are we kidding? You’re so rebellious and indie that you would never be caught dead using that damn mainstream oppressor Windows.

About DPZ
I love Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey.

One Response to The Amazing Indiewood Movie Plot Generator!

  1. This is one of the best things I’ve ever read, because it’s completely dead-on.

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